Sketchbook journalizing Workshops

Course description:

You will learn the fundamentals of various ways to journalizing your everyday food and scenery, after finish the course, you will able to :

- Learn to build a creative habit with one drawing at a time, gather meaningful things in everyday life on the sketchbooks. Create collection of memories of the day with own personality.

- Get a touch on basic of sketching and colouring with watercolour.

- Learn tips on sketching and colouring everything, from small object such as simple food, to architecture and interior.

- Learn how to composite your sketchbook page.

Food Drawing Workshops

Course description:

You will learn how to do food drawing with watercolour. The course will progress from the basic and guide you through to a more advance level:

-You will learn from understanding shapes, light, shadows, and shades of an object

- The characteristics of watercolour and basic techniques using watercolour.

- The key to food sketching, from drawing very simple food to the composition of a whole meal.

- Explore drawing different types of foods.

After completing the course, you will be equipped to draw your meals anywhere.




是否希望可以於咖啡店裡享受並同時記錄你喜愛的咖啡及美食? 本課程適合有興趣畫畫但又不知道可以從何入手的初學者,可以利用簡易的水彩及針筆繪畫出您喜愛的咖啡店飲品及美食。

課程內容: 首先了解如何繪畫飲品及食品容器的形狀及光影 認識如何以簡單線條繪畫咖啡店食品 以簡易快節的手法為食物及飲品著色 課程後可以運用所學的記錄您喜愛的咖啡及美食



是否有興趣畫畫但又不知道可以從何入手? 是否感覺很多時候,稿件線條搞不好,不知如何畫下去? 一砌就是從線條開始及觀察開始。無論繪畫風境、建築、室內佈置、食物或任何物件,一個好的起稿,一個好的構圖,是一幅成功的畫作的根基。


- 本課程可以教您如何從基本開始,做好一個好的初稿,一個好的構圖。 - 先了解物件的線條、互相的關係、簡單的透視。 - 跟著如何挑選主體,如何簡化要繪畫的東西。 - 甚麼是一個好的構圖,如何概快捷又有效地繪畫所看到的東西。 - 課程後,您將可以有條理地做好每一幅畫作的初稿,之後無論是用針筆作後期補充或用水彩顏色著色、打影,您的畫作必定會好看的。

Online Workshops Menu.


Paint your plate - breakfast

Check out my free Live Demo recording with Ethcr Studio.

Paint your plate - lunch

Check out my 90-Min Class recording with Etchr Studio.


Workshop on dinner?? Stay tuned!!

Past Urban sketching workshops.

  • 10 x 10 2017 Foregrounds and backgrounds workshop.

  • 10 x 10 2017 Framing Fundamentals Workshop.

  • Hong Kong U Space Workshop.

  • Illustrated Journals Workshop

  • Planning Department Urban Sketching workshop.

  • Urban Sketching Workshop for School Alumni

Past Food Sketching workshops.

  • Christmas high tea workshop.

  • Hightea sketching workshop.

  • Strawberry desserts sketching workshop.

  • Hong Kong U Space Food Sketching Workshop.

  • Island Pacific Hotel Dessert Workshop.

  • Nippon Sushi Watercolour Demo.

  • An online dessert sketching workshop for NGO TimeAuction

    Dessert Sketching Workshop

    Dessert Sketching Online Workshop specially for Time Auction’s volunteers.

    Participants learned to record the lovely and tasty desserts on their sketchbook and keep them forever.